Saturday, August 11, 2007











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Sunday, August 5, 2007





离开 这一刻感觉不会忘记 朋友 抱拥告别明天各自远飞 难得 并没伤感依依不舍顾虑重拾昨天 乐趣一堆 曾经 每一天相约找美丽去 陶醉 美的故事互相勉励去追曾经 望着天空一起哭泣至睡 临别说起 亦笑相对

#别了依然相信 以后有缘再聚 未曾重遇以前 要珍惜爱自己 在最好时刻分离不要流眼泪就承诺在某年 某一天某地点 再见

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Saturday, July 14, 2007


1.Just one last dance:由德国蓝调天后Sarah Connor和丈夫Marc Terenzi(德国歌手)合唱.相信很多朋友都知道,但大部分人都只听过Sarah的独唱版本,SARAH的声音在寂静的夜晚能穿透每一个人的心灵,再配上Terenzi的浑厚嗓音,简直是绝了!仔细听,这首歌实际上记叙了Sarah和Marc的相识场景,开头如低吟般娓娓道来,而后的高潮令人震撼!介绍了这么多,不听是遗憾!推荐听它的对唱版本!
2.Love to be loved by you:虽然这不是对唱,但是绝对的感人.是由Marc Terenzi写给妻子Sarah的,婚礼上MARC演唱了这首歌.Sarah流下了幸福的眼泪.Marc真的是一个浪漫的男人.
3.Cry on my shoulder:由德国群星合唱,很好的励志歌曲.当你经受挫折时,不妨听听!4.Could I have this kiss forever:天后惠妮休斯敦和安力奎对唱.这首《Could I have this kiss forever》堪称20世纪末最动人的对唱情歌,由流行天后Whitney Houston和拉丁天王Enrique iglesias联袂献唱。他们的表演激情肆意、默契十足,无不令人心醉神迷。5.Against all odds:westlife(西城男孩)和美国天后玛丽亚凯利演唱6.When you tell me that you love me:Westlife与Diana Ross合作,很多人都向我推荐这首歌.越听越有感觉!希望大家不要错过好歌!
7.Almost here:由Delta Goodrem和Brian McFadden对唱,很抒情的一首歌,对于热恋中的男女很适合听!
8.I finally found someone:芭芭拉和布莱恩亚当斯合唱.不妨看看歌词.歌曲的曲调是很普通的情歌音调,但经过两人声音的完美融合,这首歌显得不在平庸!9.One Sweety Day:mariah carey&boyz2men ,这是所有合唱歌曲中在排行榜上成绩最辉煌的一首,凭借着对唱双方公认的音乐实力和如日中天的气势,歌凭人红的one sweet day在billboard单曲榜上令人难以置信的蝉联!在百度好象找不到.
10.Tell Him: 1997年的奥斯卡颁奖典礼上,barbra streisand导演的电影two 没有获得最佳导演奖,她一气之下拒绝上台与男歌手bryan adams演唱歌曲,主办方只好请来celion dion代唱 . 这一个事件可以说是两大天后能够合作tell him的一个契机,歌曲精彩程度当然不用说了,这首歌曲曾经上过英国单曲榜的第七,并且获得41grammy的最佳流行合唱提名!11.the prayer:celion dion&andrea bocelli .这是流行和美声之间的一次完美结合,有一句乐评这样说:当这个世界上两把最高贵的男女声相遇的时候,我要说的只能是:对不起,杀死你! 的确,andrea bocelli的超凡脱俗和celion dion的雍容典贵确实相映成辉,美妙的歌声不知道迷倒乐多少听众,令多少人心中燃起了一盏明灯!12.time to say goodbye :sarah brightman&andrea bocelli.1996年11月,德国拳王henre maske邀请sarah brightman和andrea bocelli为他的告别赛演唱,结果maske意外的在最后一场比赛中失败,当这首伤感的旋律缓缓响起在比赛结束的时候,全场观众无不动容,大家在为时运不及的拳王深深黯然神伤的时候也沉醉于歌曲动人的意境和圣洁的歌声!13.i want to spend my lifetime loving you :tina arena&marc anthony .看过电影<佐罗的面具&rt;的人肯定印象最深刻的就是这首充满了异国浪漫情调的主题曲,这首歌曲时配乐大师james horner与搭档will jennings在my heart will go on 之后的再次精彩合作,两位天王天后的演绎堪称完美!
14.endless love:lionel richie&diana ross .这是美国1981年经典的爱情同名电影的主题曲,电影已经被人们忘记得干干净净,但是这首经典的情歌还是一直传唱到今天,成为流行音乐历史上不朽的丰碑,这首歌曲由lionel richie创作,旋律异常优美,两位巨星不可替代的本色嗓音配合得天衣无缝.
15.When you believe:不用说也都知道!
16.i’m your angel :celion dion&r.kelly .流行天后,r&b天王的合作能带来的惊艳的作品,1998年一经推出便占据公告牌榜首.6个星期之久,是当年圣诞期间欧美乐坛的最大两点,这首歌曲本来是乖乖的r.kelly献给母亲的,写完了出来觉得更加适合男女对唱,并且条件反射的想到了对唱女王celion dion,认为她肯定是最佳人选,事实证明,他当时的选择是多么的明智!
17.nobody wants to be lonely :ricky martin*&christina aguilera .拉丁音乐界最出色的两位帅哥美女的合作擦
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Tuesday, July 3, 2007

佳能 A710 IS

佳能 A710 IS

有效像素: 710万像素
佳能 A710 IS
光学变焦倍数: 6倍光学变焦

传感器类型: CCD传感器传感器

尺寸: 1/2.5英寸

液晶屏尺寸: 2.5英寸

最大分辨率: 3072×2304

存储介质: MMC卡,SD卡,SDHC卡
佳能 A710 IS 佳能 A710 IS 佳能 A710 IS

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Friday, June 29, 2007

More cafe than chocolate

More cafe than chocolate

How much chocolate should one eat? More than a little, but less than a lot. These words, posted inside Whisk, Shanghai's renowned chocolate cafe, may be difficult to agree with for some; can there ever be too much chocolate?

However, the cafe may have a slight point, especially once you have sampled the other savory delights from its menu.
"Whisk is oriented as a chocolate cafe but has lots of other items to offer," said Alex Maze, one of the restaurant's owners.
"Many people have only heard of us because of the chocolate. So they are quite surprised when they come here and see lots of alternatives on the menu.
"It has always been chocolate and Italian food. We introduced the savory food because it is not the right time for just a chocolate shop here."
Whisk, opened last November, is not an easy place to find with its location set back from Huaihai Road. But it is certainly a place to seek out.
Looking at the menu, you are first struck by an impressive selection of coffee, ranging from the classics, cappuccino, latte and espresso, among others. But there is also truffle, iced or frozen chocolate, iced coffee cocktails and the Whisk Chococello. And that's before you even start on the Italian-inspired fare.
With a cappuccino at 15 yuan (US$1.96) and the rest of the menu at reasonable prices for large portions, it puts most standard coffee houses and restaurants to shame.
Its Italian menu is typical of any similar themed establishment, offering the usual pasta, paninis, pizza, risottos, salads and coffees. It is the attention to detail, however, that make this cafe stand out from the pack.
With its modern decor, it is designed enough to be pleasant without looking like it is trying too hard.
Whisk is a casual cafe cum restaurant said Maze, who also serves as the chef. "It is a place to be relaxed and enjoy good food at reasonable prices."
Recommendations for the savory choices start at the antipasto plate. At 60 yuan for two people it is great value and does not skimp on the trimmings.
Then there is the risotto. With five choices to select from Maze said they are a favorite of the cafe and do very well, especially at lunch time. "The chicken and mushroom is very earthy and although it is more of a winter dish it remains on the menu through popular demand. The seafood and tomato is a lighter choice for summer."
Indeed the risotto is a very satisfying choice, proving that Whisk does offer good food for a place thats specialty is not even making savory dishes.
Maze, a trained pastry chef, puts his passion for dessert to good use here with an abundance of choices available. Each dessert uses different chocolates to offer alternative flavors.
"Every dish I have developed over a period of time to cater to individual taste and preferences," said the Australian. "I am very proud of the new summer selection especially the lemon tart. However, people rarely try it as they all come for the chocolate."
Desserts range from indulgent sticky brownies to pana cotta and tiramisu. Lighter summer options include Greek yogurt, orange peel dipped in chocolate and wild blueberry ricotta.
But one thing to watch out for is that the generous portions in all the dishes may mean no room for dessert, not good considering this is the main reason to go to Whisk in the first place.
Upon exiting you can take one last look at the decadent chocolate treats displayed on thick slabs of chocolate itself. As the old saying goes, "strength is breaking a block of chocolate in many pieces and eating only one."
So perhaps that is the best way to describe Whisk, where the choice with the desserts may have to be in picking two or three. Its just a pity they don't deliver.

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Sunday, June 24, 2007

looking the panda

So cute panda!

cute panda cute panda
cute panda
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Friday, June 22, 2007





笔者发现六度理论和拉德250定律有着相似之处。拉德250定律内容主要是:每一位顾客身后,大体有250名亲朋好友。如果您赢得了一位顾客的好感,就意味着赢得了250个人的好感;反之,如果你得罪了一名顾客,也就意味着得罪了250 名顾客。或许250这个数字有点过于夸奖,说明的道理无非就是在我们的网站访客中,一个访客将有可能会为我们带来一群访客,这是所有网站必有的历程,这部分流量不窝忽视。所以要提高网站流量就要会学会将这些固定访客会聚,可通过网站流量来路进行深入分析。


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缩量震荡——小盘股 大盘稳健但能量不足时是小盘股的活跃期,因大盘能量不能满足规模性热点的施展,所以个股行情“星星点火”,其中又以小能量下小盘股行情更为靓丽。由于小能量难以满足行情的持续性,故小盘股行情往往涨势较迅捷,持续周期较短,适于短线操作。   

突发利好——次新股 无论大盘处于什么状态,若遇突发性重大利好公布,往往是价低次新股的活跃期。因为老股中往往有老资金进驻或者受困,新资金即不愿为老资金抬轿,更不愿为老资金解套。所以,重大利好公布后,上市不久的次新股群往往成为新资金“先入为主”的攻击对象。   
调整时期——庄股 大盘调整时是庄股的活跃周期。由于市场热点早已湮灭,庄股则或因主力受困自救,或是潜在题材趁疲弱市道超前建仓……疲弱市道中的庄股犹如夜幕中的一盏盏 “豆油灯”,虽不能照亮整个市场,也能使投资大众不至于绝望。同时,多少还能诱惑“投资小众”一起来“往豆油灯里添加燃油”,或者是引来“飞蛾扑火”。   
波段急跌——指标股 大盘波段性急跌后是大盘指标股的活跃期。急跌后能令大盘迅速复位的,必然是能牵动全局的指标股。因为“四两拨千斤”的功效大,也因为低价股护盘的成本低。   
调整尾声——超跌低价股 大波段调整进入尾声后是超跌低价股的活跃期。因为前期跌幅最大的超跌低价股风险释放最干净,技术性反弹要求最强烈。由于大势进入调整的尾声,尚未反转,新的热点难以形成,便给了超跌低价股的表现机会。   
牛市确立——高价股 牛市行情确立是高价股的活跃期。高价股是市场的“贵族阶层”,位居市场最顶层,在大盘进入牛市阶段后,需要它们打开上档空间,为市场创造牛市空间,给中低价股起到“传、帮、带”的作用。   
休整时期——题材股 大盘休整性整理是题材股的活跃期。因为休整期市场热点分散,个股行情开始涨跌无序,增量资金望而却步,只能运用题材或概念来聚拢市场的视线,聚集有限的资金,吸引市场开始分散的动量。   
报表时期——“双高”股 年(中)报公布期及前夕是高公积金、高净资产值股票的活跃周期。因为这样的上市公司有股本扩张的需求和条件,有通过高分红来降低每股净资产值的需要。在股市开始崇尚资本利得和低风险稳定收益后,高分红也已经成为市场保值性大资金的宠爱。
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Monday, June 18, 2007

Celebrate Dragon Boat Festival

Celebrate Dragon Boat Festival

Dragon Boat Festival The annual traditional Chinese festival Duanwujie (Dragon Boat Festival) falls on June 19 this year. Traditionally, Chinese people make zongzi (glutinous rice dumplings) and eat them at home to celebrate this festival. Yet for office workers, tight work schedules makes it almost impossible to make zongzi themselves. So here are some recommended places to buy zongzi in Beijing and Shanghai.
Zongzi is a kind of rice dumpling wrapped in bamboo or reed leaves to form a pyramid. The stuffing is mostly made of glutinous rice and complemented with Chinese dates, red beans, and salty meats. Generally speaking, zongzi is divided into two categories, salty zongzi which is popular in South China, and the sweet ones in North China.

Chinese people believe that festivals should be celebrated together with their families, yet not all everyone can make it. For those who feel homesick, they may smell something similar to their mother's zongzi from A Po Zong, which are completely handmade as well as soft and sticky.

Two flavors are recommended: the salty yolk and meat zongzi, which is stuffed with tender pork and preserved egg yolk. The other is the sweet corn. and honey Chinese date zongzi, which is stuffed with fresh corn and a big sweet sticky Chinese date.

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Sunday, June 17, 2007


天堂影院(意大利)......以西西里岛为舞台,在一个人人都爱看电影的小镇,一个自小崇拜电影放映师的少年,长大后也成为了电影放映师。时光流走30年,他再回到小镇时,给他留下美好回忆的电影院已变成废墟。 第一次看这部电影是在很多年前,那时在热恋中。情节简单的电影也被看得恍恍惚惚,只记得看完电影后,和热恋中的男友手牵手,深夜走在大街上,月光里,很幸福。再看这部电影时已是多年之后,当看到电影结尾时银幕上各种接吻镜头组接在一起,不断从面前滑过,突然想起他来,我以为我已经忘了他,于是再也忍不住地哭了。情人(法国)



8. 新桥恋人(法国)

9. 八月照相馆(韩国)


“从现在开始,你只许疼我一个人,要宠我,不能骗我,答应我的每一件事都要做到,对我讲得每一句话都要真心,不许欺负我,骂我,要相信我,别人欺负我,你要在第一时间出来帮我,我开心了,你就要陪着我开心,我不开心了,你就要哄我开心,永远都要觉得我是最漂亮的,梦里也要见到我,在你的心里面只有我,就是这样了。 “



有些人可能会变成你的朋友 或者是知己
管他呢! 开心就行了。








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Saturday, June 16, 2007

Happy Father's Day

Happy Father's Day
Gifts for Dad on Father's Day:Shakespeare says, "It is a wise father that knows his own child." And all dads definitely deserve a special gift for Father's Day. While selecting a gift for dad can be difficult, he will be happy with just about anything his children give him. Yet it takes both heart and mind to explore what your dad likes most. To give you some inspiration, here are some idea:...
Panacea gifts that please all fathers:

If you can't see your Dad on Father's Day, then write him a paper or electronic card, or call dad, telling him you love him.
If you do have time to visit Dad this Sunday, then have a meal with him and toast him good health. What's more, give him a warm hug at the end of the meal, because nothing can express how much you care for him than physical contact.

If you manage to have even more time to spend with Dad, then cook him a meal. This surely will let him remember you by this meal. Take a walk with your father after the meal and have a nice chat.
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Friday, June 15, 2007

Fei Teng fish

Fei Teng Fish

Imported from the capital:Fei Teng Yu Xiang has carved a niche for itself since it opened its first outlet in Beijing in 1999 and followed it up by setting up branches across the capital.

It has just opened its first Shanghai establishment, bringing its authentic spicy Sichuan flavors closer to us. Little wonder that the place is packed with diners. Try out its exclusive specialties, the Fei Teng fish and spicy yellow catfish.

The chef who cooks the Fei Teng fish has his own kitchen which no one else can goes in so that no one can copy their flavor.
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其一,佣金模式。这种模式并不直接销售,而是通过汇集用户,向其他电子商务模式的网站提供订单的用户,并且按照某种事先或者事后约定的规则,获取佣金。佣金可能是按单,按百分比,按用户数等等。而积累用户,又有很多模式。比如说, askyaya.com的比较购物模式,Qunar.com的直接查询模式,豆瓣的内容社区模式等等。最终的销售还是在其他的网站上面,只管送人过去,之后就拍拍手,什么事情都不做了,只管收钱。收入和成本线并不直接关联,有明显的边际效应。不错,好模式!

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道·琼斯股票指数 ---道·琼斯股票指数是世界上历史最为悠久的股票指数,它的全称为股票价格平均数。它是在1884年由道·琼斯公司的创始人查理斯·道开始编制的。其最初的道·琼斯股票价格平均指数是根据11种具有代表性的铁路公司的股票,采用算术平均法进行计算编制而成,发表在查理斯·道自己编辑出版的《每日通讯》上。其计算公式为:   

股票价格平均数=入选股票的价格之和入选股票的数量自1897年起,道·琼斯股票价格平均指数开始分成工业与运输业两大类,其中工业股票价格平均指数包括12种股票,运输业平均指数则包括20种股票,并且开始在道·琼斯公司出版的《华尔街日报》上公布。在1929年,道·琼斯股票价格平均指数又增加了公用事业类股票,使其所包含的股票达到65种,并一直延续至今。   现在的道·琼斯股票价格平均指数是以1928年10月1日为基期,因为这一天收盘时的道·琼斯股票价格平均数恰好约为100美元,所以就将其定为基准日。而以后股票价格同基期相比计算出的百分数,就成为各期的投票价格指数,所以现在的股票指数普遍用点来做单位,而股票指数每一点的涨跌就是相对于基准日的涨跌百分数。   

它包括着20种有代表性的运输业公司的股票,即8家铁路运输公司、8家航空公司和 4家公路货运公司。第三组是公用事业股票价格平均指数,是由代表着美国公用事业的1 5家煤气公司和电力公司的股票所组成。第四组是平均价格综合指数。   
道·琼斯股票价格平均指数是目前世界上影响最大、最有权威性的一种股票价格指数,原因之一是道·琼斯股票价格平均指数所选用的股票都是有代表性,这些股票的发行公司都是本行业具有重要影响的著名公司,其股票行情为世界股票市场所瞩目,各国投资者都极为重视。为了保持这一特点,道·琼斯公司对其编制的股票价格平均指数所选用的股票经常予以调整,用具有活力的更有代表性的公司股票替代那些失去代表性的公司股票。自1928年以来,仅用于计算道·琼斯工业股票价格平均指数的30种工商业公司股票,已有30次更换,几乎每两年就要有一个新公司的股票代替老公司的股票。原因之二是,公布道·琼斯股票价格平均指数的新闻载体——《华尔街日报》是世界金融界最有影响力的报纸。   该报每天详尽报道其每个小时计算的采样股票平均指数、百分比变动率、每种采样股票的成交数额等,并注意对股票分股后的股票价格平均指数进行校正。在纽约证券交易营业时间里,每隔半小时公布一次道·琼斯股票价格平均指数。原因之三是,这一股票价格平均指数自编制以来从未间断,可以用来比较不同时期的股票行情和经济发展情况,成为反映美国股市行情变化最敏感的股票价格平均指数之一,是观察市场动态和从事股票投资的主要参考。当然,由于道·琼斯股票价格指数是一种成分股指数,它包括的公司仅占目前2500多家上市公司的极少部分,而且多是热门股票,且未将近年来发展迅速的服务性行业和金融业的公司包括在内,所以它的代表性也一直受到人们的质疑和批评。

标准·普尔股票价格指数--除了道·琼斯股票价格指数外,标准·普尔股票价格指数在美国也很有影响,它是美国最大的证券研究机构即标准·普尔公司编制的股票价格指数。该公司于1923年开始编制发表股票价格指数。最初采选了230种股票,编制两种股票价格指数。到1957年,这一股票价格指数的范围扩大到500种股票,分成95种组合。其中最重要的四种组合是工业股票组、铁路股票组、公用事业股票组和500种股票混合组。从1976年7月1日开始,改为 400种工业股票,20种运输业股票,40种公用事业股票和40种金融业股票。几十年来,虽然有股票更迭,但始终保持为500种。标准·普尔公司股票价格指数以1941年至1943年抽样股票的平均市价为基期,以上市股票数为权数,按基期进行加权计算,其基点数为10。以目前的股票市场价格乘以股票市场上发行的股票数量为分子,用基期的股票市场价格乘以基期股票数为分母,相除之数再乘以10就是股票价格指数。


日经道·琼斯股价指数(日经平均股价)--系由日本经济新闻社编制并公布的反映日本股票市场价格变动的股票价格平均数。该指数从1950年9月开始编制。   最初根据东京证券交易所第一市场上市的225家公司的股票算出修正平均股价,当时称为“东证修正平均股价”。1975年5月1日,日本经济新闻社向道·琼斯公司买进商标,采用美国道·琼斯公司的修正法计算,这种股票指数也就改称“日经道·琼斯平均股价”。 1985年5月1日在合同期满10年时,经两家商议,将名称改为“日经平均股价”。   


恒生股票价格指数包括从香港500多家上市公司中挑选出来的33家有代表性且经济实力雄厚的大公司股票作为成份股,分为四大类——4种金融业股票、6种公用事业股票、 9种地产业股票和14种其他工商业(包括航空和酒店)股票。   

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Thursday, June 14, 2007



该指数以1991年4月3日为基日,基日指数定为100点。深证综合指数综合反映深交所全部 A股和 B股上市股票的股价走势。此外还编制了分别反映全部 A股和全部 B股股价走势的深证 A股指数和深证 B股指数。深证 A股指数以1991年4月3日为基日,1992年10月4日开始发布,基日指数定为100点。深证 B股指数以1992年2月28日为基日,1992年10月6日开始发布,基日指数定为100点。

上证30指数,是上海证券交易所编制的一种成份股指数,是从上市的所有 A股股票中抽取具有市场代表性的30种样本股票为计算对象,并以流通股数为权数计算得出的加权股价指数,综合反映上海证券交易所全部上市 A股的股价走势。该指数取1996年1月至3月的平均流通市值为指数的基期,基期指数定为1000点。
上证30指数选取样本股时综合考虑以下几种因素:①行业代表性;②流通市值的规模;③交易活跃的程度;④财务状况和经营业绩;⑤地区代表性。在同等条件下,优先考虑下述股票:①股本规模较大的股票;②成长性较好的股票;③已发行 H股或 B股的股票。出现下述情况的股票不予考虑:①不以中国为主要业务基地,即不考虑第二上市的股票;②出现违纪违规行为,情节严重;③发生经营性亏损;④近期发生被兼并、被收购等重大事件。定出符合资格的股票后,再根据以下原则作最终评选:①行业分布;②地区分布;③流通市值排名;④成交金额排名。上证30指数的样本股将根据市场情况,由专家委员会按照样本稳定与动态跟踪相结合的原则适时调整,但调整时一般不超过样本总数的10%。

深证成份股指数:是深圳证券交易所编制的一种成份股指数,是从上市的所有股票中抽取具有市场代表性的40家上市公司的股票作为计算对象,并以流通股为权数计算得出的加权股价指数,综合反映深交所上市 A、B股的股价走势。该指数取1994年7月20日为基日,基日指数定为1000点。成份股指数于1995年1月23日开始试发布,1995年5月5日正式启用。40家上市公司的A股用于计算成份 A股指数及行业分类指数,40家上市公司中有B股的公司,其 B股用于计算成份 B股指数。深证成份股指数,还就 A股编制分类指数,包括工业分类指数、商业分类指数、金融分类指数、地产分类指数、公用事业分类指数、综合企业分类指数。深证成份股指数选取样本时考虑的因素有:①上市交易日期的长短;②上市规模,按每家公司一段时期内的平均总市值和平均可流通股市值计;③交易活跃程度,按每家公司一段时期总成交金额计。确定初步名单后,再结合以下各因素评选出40家上市公司作为成份股:①公司股票在一段时期内的平均市盈率;②公司的行业代表性及所属行业的发展前景;③公司近年的财务状况、盈利记录、发展前景及管理素质等;④公司的地区、板块代表性等。为保证指数的代表性,必须视上市公司的变动更换成份股,深圳证券交易所定于每年 l、5、9月对成份股的代表性进行考察,讨论是否需要更换。1997年12月26日,深圳证券交易所对成份股样本进行调整.

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该指数自l991年7月15日起开始实时发布,基准日定为1990年12月19日,基日指数定为100点,1992年2月21日第一只 B股上市后,又增设了上证 A股指数和 B股指数,分别反映全部 A股和全部 B股的股价走势,上证综合指数综合反映上交所全部 A股、B股上市股票的股份走势。
上证 A股指数仍以1990年12月19日为基准日,基日指数定为100点。上证 B股指数以1992年2月21日为基准日,基日指数定为100点。1993年6月1日起,上海证券交易所又正式发布上证分类指数,包括工业类指数、商业类指数、房地产类指数、公用事业类指数和综合业类指数。

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beloved pets

People like to talk to these animals, play with them and some may even want to go out on the town with them with fancy dinners and fun places to hang out......
With an increasing number of couples nicknamed "dinks", (dual income, no kids), many people are getting pets and treating them like their "children". They like to talk to these animals, play with them and some may even want to go out on the town with them with fancy dinners and fun places to hang out. This may sound a little bit strange, but these places do exist in Beijing and Shanghai.
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Wednesday, June 13, 2007


BlogSpot无法访问 -怎么办?
编辑c:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc\hosts文件,然后加入72.14.219.190 ,其中xxx是你的用户名,即可访问到你自己的BlogSpot了。....
# Copyright (c) 1993-1999 Microsoft Corp. # # This is a sample HOSTS file used by Microsoft TCP/IP for Windows. # # This file contains the mappings of IP addresses to host names. Each # entry should be kept on an individual line. The IP address should # be placed in the first column followed by the corresponding host name. # The IP address and the host name should be separated by at least one # space. # # Additionally, comments (such as these) may be inserted on individual # lines or following the machine name denoted by a '#' symbol. # # For example: # # # source server # # x client host localhost
或者: * 另存为 proxy.pac 到 C 盘根目录下,打开 Firefox,依次点击工具->选项-> 高级->网络->设置...->选中自动代理配置URL,添加:file:///C:/proxy.pac ,点击重新载入,OK! 以下内容为proxy.pac文件的内容(不包括==线) =========== function FindProxyForURL(url,host){if(dnsDomainIs(host, "")){return "PROXY";}} ===============

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Claria -广告软件制造商

Claria -广告软件制造商

Claria is a pioneer and leader in behavioral marketing and personalization technology. Claria's proprietary behavioral marketing platform provides consumers with relevant content and offers based on their ordinary Web browsing and search behavior. Since its inception in 1998, Claria has served millions of online consumers and more than 1000 advertisers. By November 1999, Claria had revolutionized the online advertising industry by introducing its contextual and behavioral relevant online advertising model. A highly effective alternative to demographic targeting, this new advertising method resulted in unparalleled ROI for advertisers...

Claria was founded as The Gator Corporation to deliver the promise of one-to-one marketing on the Internet. The guiding vision was to develop a relevancy platform that could be used by hundreds of millions of consumers to obtain a better Web experience. Claria successfully used this platform initially to drive better-targeted, relevant advertising. This platform has now evolved to offer a far better consumer Web experience through automated content personalization.

  Claria headquarters are located in Redwood City, California, with offices in Los Angeles, Chicago, New York, Washington D.C. and Tokyo. Claria is backed by top Companies and Venture firms including U.S. Venture Partners, SOFTBANK America, Rogers Communications, Asia Pacific Ventures, Sand Hill Capital Investor AB,, Technology Crossover Ventures, Greylock, and Crosslink Capital.

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Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Software as a Service (SaaS)

Software as a Service (SaaS)


SaaS服务的优势:对企业来说,SaaS的优点在于:⒈ 从技术方面来看:企业无需再配备IT方面的专业技术人员,同时又能得到最新的技术应用,满足企业对信息管理的需求。
⒉ 从投资方面来看:企业只以相对低廉的“月费”方式投资,不用一次性投资到位,不占用过多的营运资金,从而缓解企业资金不足的压力;不用考虑成本折旧问题,并能及时获得最新硬件平台及最佳解决方案。  
⒊ 从维护和管理方面来看:由于企业采取租用的方式来进行物流业务管理,不需要专门的维护和管理人员,也不需要为维护和管理人员支付额外费用。很大程度上缓解企业在人力、财力上的压力,使其能够集中资金对核心业务进行有效的运营。
  SaaS软件即服务(Software as a Service)是一种新的软件服务模式,客户通过服务商的网站了解到自己花多少钱,可以得到多少应用功能的软件服务,并通过在线试用,确定符合自己的需求的基础上,购买服务,并通过上网来使用这种服务!

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Cool in summer

Cool in summer
It can be difficult to get through hot summers. The high temperatures can easily get on our nerves. There are many ways to seek a temporary relief, like eating cold food, staying in air conditioning, wearing relaxed clothing, and spending time in the water. But too much of these cool things can also bring discomfort.The following are some tips to keep healthy and cool in the summer: TRING THE ICE CREAM. cool in summer-ice cream
TRING THE cool drink:
cool in summer cool drink
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Friday, June 8, 2007

My Lifestyle

My Lifestyle
Different people have different lifestyles. They do the same things from morning to evening every day. .Usually, they write their plans on paper. But sometimes they remember what things they will do in their minds. I also have my own lifestyle. It is wonderful! I get up early on weekdays, and do the some exercise. But at the weekend, I never get up early. I sometimes stay in bed until lunchtime.
I think the time is passing very quickly. HA HA .So I think how time fly.
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Thursday, June 7, 2007

College entrance examination begins

Today is College entrance examination .....

BEIJING, June 7 -- Various government departments in Shenzhen are taking measures to ensure a smooth National College Entrance Examinations (NCEE) for local high school graduates, Chinese-language media reported June 6.
The traffic police department said they would deploy about 1,000 policemen near the city's 24 NCEE centers during the exam period, which begins today and lasts until Saturday.
The department has reminded drivers to avoid roads near the NCEE centers and refrain from blowing car horns near the centers. The police have designated some places as temporary parking lots for parents who drive their children to the exam centers.
The police said they would implement temporary traffic control measures near the centers if they find it necessary, and remind drivers to follow police guidelines.
The city's environmental protection bureau issued a notice May 29 for less noise pollution from June 1 to Saturday, the last day of NCEE. It will operate a 24-hour hotline, 12369, from today to Saturday for complaints about noise. Construction companies are not allowed to work after 11 p.m. and the noise in housing estates should be below five decibels during the NCEE period.
The department said it would send inspectors to check noise pollution to ensure a quiet and pleasant environment for the examinees.
Other departments like urban administration, public health, and electricity said they all have put forward related measures to better serve the examinees.
Li Yizhen, deputy secretary of the municipal committee of the CPC, inspected some of the NCEE sites Monday. He required related departments to prepare umbrellas, towels and dry clothes for examinees in case of heavy rain during the period. He also asked school canteens to provide quality food for examinees.
Meanwhile, two local taxi companies said they would have about 200 taxis providing free rides to needy examinees during the period, the Daily Sunshine reported. Examinees can call 8379-9358 for free rides to take them to the NCEE centers.
(Source: Shenzhen Daily)
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Stocks gear up for growth

Stocks gear up for growth
After yesterday's quick shifts in corrections, Chinese stocks formed a clear upward trend this morning. The Shanghai Composite Index closed at 3,832.09 by noon, up 55.77 points or 1.48 percent.
Opening higher from 3,787.70, the index climbed up in waves with a few setbacks, none of which was deep enough to reverse the trend. The index hit the lowest point at 3,779.50 in a dive right after the opening, and the highest at 3,839.25 soon before 11:30, both higher than yesterday's closing level.
The Shenzhen Component Index, tracking the smaller Shenzhen Stock Exchange, closed at 12,612.86, up 274.68 points or 2.23 percent. It went through the morning session within a range from 12,357.56 to 12,638.80. Of the A-shares, as many as 1,178 went up, while 134 fell and 121 closed unchanged. Cosun ranked on top of the Shanghai exchange with a 10.05 percent surge to 8.87. Nafine Chemical Industry Group rose 10.07 percent as the biggest gainer in the Shenzhen bourse.
China Unicom rose 0.01 yuan with the largest trading volume and Sinopec fell 0.05 yuan with the largest transaction value in the Shanghai bourse. TCL and China Vanke ranked on top in the Shenzhen bourse.
Stocks in the construction, pharmaceutical and mining industries led the surge. CRBC International was sealed at the maximum increase cap of 10 percent to pioneer the construction sector. Machinery makers also performed well today.
B shares were up. Of the 109 B shares listed on the two exchanges, 55 rose and nine ended flat. Closed-end funds listed on the exchanges were also strong.
Analysts believe price correction is inevitable, even if there were no such a stamp tax hike. Bubbles in deed existed in the stock market. The latest data showed that in May there had been 29 stocks with price to earnings (P/E) ratios higher than 1,000 in the Shenzhen bourse, compared with only three stocks in January.
Chongqing Yukaifa and Yantai Dongfang Electronics Information Industry had P/E ratios at 8,000, followed by ST Anhui Feicai Vehicle with P/E ratio of 3,850. Five stocks had P/E ratios between 2,000 and - 3,000 and the rest 21 between 1,000 and 2,000.
The recent market corrections have scared many investors away. New A-share accounts opened on June 5 were 162,200, the fewest for two months. Total account opening was 189,100 at the two stock exchanges, including 2,396 B-share and 24,500 fund accounts for that day, according to China Depository and Clearing Co Ltd.
By Tuesday, there had been 102,692,900 investment accounts in the two bourses, including 88,818,500 A-share, 2,185,800 B-share and 11,688,600 fund accounts.
Many investors fear China may impose a capital gains tax to cool an "overheated" stock market. But legal experts think it is impossible that such a tax will be issued overnight like the stamp tax hike, according to the Shanghai Securities News.
"Based on the State Council's 1988 Provisional Rules for Stamp Tax, adjustment in the stamp tax rate may be decided by relevant government bodies," said a source. "But the capital gains tax is a completely new tax. There are no legal grounds for it now. It needs to go through a full procedure of legislation before it is for approval by the taxation authority."
Central bank vice governor Wu Xiaoling said on the sidelines of a financial forum held in Tianjin yesterday that the recent turmoil in the stock market is not detrimental enough to affect the Chinese economy.
Wu stressed the importance of a stable and healthy capital market to the country's economic growth. All the central government did were for the long-term development of the market, she said. Investors should build up or recollect their confidence in the economy and the stock market. They should also understand the goodwill by the regulators and improve abilities of risk assessment and control, she added.
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Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Modern and elaborate

Modern and elaborate
Owner Wang Yong's splendid restaurant is located in Ritan Park, where Chinese emperors paid homage to the God of the Sun. Service is expat-friendly, and the decor is modern and elaborate. Those who prefer to sit outdoors can perch on one of the four tables in front of the porch or on the roof of the 2nd floor and 3rd floor. Both floors have a good view of the park.

The cuisine is hand-picked homestyle cooking, but don't expect rough and ready street cooking. The ingredients appear to be the same, but the cooking, preparation and presentation are a cut above. Recommended dishes include the roast duck,braised diced eggplant with assorted nuts,pan-fried chicken slices with Hawaiian nuts and deep-fried crispy bean curd with mild chilli sauce.

Average spending is 100 yuan per person. Park entry is free.
Xiao Wang's Home Restaurant Opening hours: 11am-10pm. It is a teahouse from 2-4pm. Address:Inside Ritan Park, 100 metres from the North Gate, Chaoyang District. Tel; 010-8561-7859.

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Tuesday, June 5, 2007




做法: 1.龙眼去皮取肉,一分两半;




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A diet date with ice cream

A diet date with ice cream
No one can resist the temptation of ice cream in the summer. Yet many young women dare not eat the refreshing dessert for fear of putting on too much weight. But the options are better now with the emergence of low-fat ice creams, which can satisfy your cravings for ice creams, but can taste a bit bland. Here is a list of ice cream shops where you can find these low-fat ice creams.
The Italian ice cream shop Gelato sells low-fat milk ice cream and many foreigners come here for a cool treat . Coconuts flavor is most popular among customers, while hazel is also worth a try.
At Gelato diners can have a taste of each ice cream flavor before deciding which one to buy. And Gelato also posts its information on discounts on a small board hung at its front door.
Location: Aoland International Shopping Center, No. 692, Hankoulu, Huangpu District.

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Cold Stone Creamery

Cold Stone Creamery
This ice cream is very popular in the United States. Cold Stone Creamery has both original ice cream and low fat cream. The signature dish is called Nutcracker with vanilla flavor.
When you enter Cold Stone Creamery, you can be easily overwhelmed by its happy atmosphere. Not only do you watch how the chefs prepared each ice cream, but also try all flavors of ice creams for free.
Here you can make their own ice creams by picking your favorite flavors of ice creams and then mixing them with seasonings like chocolate sauce and candies. Isn't it cool to be an ice cream chef?
Location: B1, Raffles City, 268 Xiyang Zhong Lu

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Monday, June 4, 2007

China stocks plunge 8% in panic selling

China stocks plunge 8% in panic selling

Chinese stocks plunged more than eight percent on Monday as jittery investors dumped shares in worries about further potential governmental moves to dampen the market following a stamp tax hike.

The benchmark Shanghai Composite Index lost 8.26 percent to close at 3,670.41 points, adding to sharp falls last week. That marked the biggest drop since February 27 when the index plummeted 8.84 percent, triggering a global sell-off.

Only 25 out of more than 1,400 stocks in the Shanghai and Shenzhen stock exchanges rose, while about 800 stocks fell to their daily limit of 10 percent.

Blue chip stocks failed to stay firm and joined the small-capital shares in the plunge, which analysts said further affected investors' confidence.

Sinopec dropped its 10 percent limit to 13.65 yuan, reversing three days of straight rises.
The Industrial and Commercial Bank of China lost 8.10 percent to 4.99 yuan, while Bank of China fell 9.25 percent to 5.10 yuan.

Hundreds of small-capital stocks have declined by their daily limit for four consecutive sessions.
The decline came as investors remained jittery about speculation on the collection of capital gains tax and on the abolition of tax on interest accrued from deposits. Taxation officials have rejected the rumor, but that did not seem to reassure the investors.

The Ministry of Finance denied an increase in stamp tax on trading on May 22, but then announced seven days later the tripling of the rate to 0.3 percent from 0.1 percent, triggering a 6.5 percent drop in the Shanghai Composite Index.

China will eventually start to levy capital gains tax on stock trading, said Hu Bing, an official with the China Securities Regulatory Commission Thursday in New York, according to earlier reports.

The lack of the duty lead to a widening of the gap between the rich and the poor, Hu noted. "However, phasing in capital gains tax is a long-term process as it is a major issue that depends on the development of the market."

Investors seemed to have slowed down the pace of opening new share trading accounts. On Thursday, 270,000 A-share accounts were opened, down from an average of more than 310,000 in the previous week albeit still at a high level.

However, Thursday saw the number of newly added fund accounts ballooned to 449,000 from about 50,000 on average in the previous week.
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Saturday, June 2, 2007

The magic of strawberries

The magic of strawberries

As finding naturally-grown strawberries is a hot issue.Citylife has located some places where you can not only find tasteful strawberries, but also enjoy picking them.


In early summer, one of the most popular fruit is strawberry. It is said strawberry is the "Queen of fruit" as it has many nutritious elements. But many people feel that the strawberry in the current market tastes different as many strawberries are grown in greenhouses and some even have a scent of pesticides. So finding naturally-grown strawberries is a hot issue. Citylife has located some places where you can not only find tasteful strawberries, but also enjoy picking them.

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Friday, June 1, 2007





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Forever Young

forever young by alphaville let's dance in style, lets dance for a while
heaven can wait we're only watching the skies
hoping for the best but expecting the worst
are you going to drop the bomb or not?
let us die young or let us live forever
we don't have the power but we never say never
sitting in a sandpit, life is a short trip
the music's for the sad men
can you imagine when this race is won
你能够想象当赢得比赛, turn our golden faces into the sun
praising our leaders we're getting in tune
the music's played by the madmen
forever young, i want to be forever young do you really want to live forever, forever and ever
永远年轻,我要永远年轻 你真的要长生不死吗?
some are like water, some are like the heat
some are a melody and some are the beat
sooner or later they all will be gone
why don't they stay young
it's so hard to get old without a cause
i don't want to perish like a fading horse
youth is like diamonds in the sun
and dimonds are forever
so many adventures couldn't happen today
so many songs we forgot to play
so many dreams are swinging out of the blue
we let them come true

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Thursday, May 31, 2007

How to Improve Your English Reading

How to Improve Your English Reading

To improve your English reading, you should, first of all, choose something you feel important or interesting to read. Don't try to read everything. You should begin with those written in simple English. Don't read those which prove difficult for you at the very beginning.
  While reading, don't read too slowly or look up every new word you meet with. After reading a passage and having its main idea in mind, you may turn back and read it again. This time you read it slowly and look up some new words if necessary.
  Keep on reading in this way and you'll surely make progress little by little.

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Annual Expenses on Learning English

Annual Expenses on Learning English

It is well known that English learning is fairly important to the student, but also it is a money hunter. The Graph of Annual Expenses aims to show us the fact that daily study has constituted a yearly large sum of money. That is, students are, day by day, challenging the knowledge from a sea of reference hooks, cassette tapes, CDs and even VCD.

Buying books is always the biggest sum of a student's expense, which has ranged from 10 to 60 RMB yuan during the latest decades. What' s more evident, it can be found in 1999 that VCD is beneficial for students to better their English. Perhaps VCD may help students to improve listening comprehension. Therefore, they have spent 50 RMB yuan to buy VCD.

No one can deny the fact that CDs have something to do with learning English. In most situations, they are helpful to improve our understanding of foreign cultures, which are often considered difficult and tedious for students to learn form the textbooks. Compared with this, listening tapes is rather boring, so in 1999 a student spent less than 20 RMB yuan to buy tapes.

However, much money does not mean obtaining a better acquisition of a foreign language. In a long run, I am determined to make full use of available tools to master English, and try to make all the books, CDs, VCDs well - worth their expenses.

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Wednesday, May 30, 2007

This IS Restaurant

This IS Restaurant

As the local dining scene burgeons, patterns begin to emerge. Restaurateurs have the option of starting small, luring a targeted group of patrons with their mid-range fare; another option would be to go the whole hog and splash out on a multi-million yuan space in a swanky location with prices to match.
A concept is another tool often employed, sometimes in tandem with the two strategies above. These joints brainstorm for ages and come up with a premise they hope is so irresistible it pulls in the crowds in droves.
IS Restaurant is hoping they have latched on to a winning formula.
Bordering on the ultra-pretentious, the New Factories establishment is decidedly focused on putting the "experience" in "dining experience." Part art concept, part fine-diner, there are moments when it is not exactly apparent what it is trying to be.
There are restaurants that immediately appeal to the visual senses, wowing you as soon as you walk in; sometimes with palatial decor, sometimes with sheer size. IS has gone for the cold, minimalist approach that exudes art-crowd cool.
It is no wonder, as the restaurant is the brainchild of General Manager Weng Yinlan and her husband, who is in the art business. Having started the concept in her native Guilin two years ago, the former advertising executive is confident that the concept will be a hit locally as well. "We do creative, fusion dishes that are appealing to the eye as much as they taste good," she said. "None of our serving ware is mass produced. Besides custom-made plates, we also use a lot of natural products, like pine needles for decorative plating."
"Some things, like acorns, are things that I've picked up myself from the countryside back in Guilin. You could never find stuff like this in Shanghai."
The design lives up to its billing. Words do little justice to the creative use of space on the top floor of this refurbished factory. Dried roots and branches form non-imposing barriers that partition the dining area; the centerpiece is a long, mirrored table with imposing, tall-backed chairs forming booths without being sealed off.
Neo-classical teapots and dings (an ancient Chinese tri-legged vessel) are displayed prominently with the similar furniture. Weng said that plans are afoot to hold art exhibitions and performances in the restaurant.

Whether she realized it or not, she was already right. Each dish was a show in itself albeit with some decidedly over the top. The opening act of mushroom soup came served on different plates for each guest. While the bed of rose petals was sweet, the flaming plate was a bit much. The soup itself was not creamy enough and weak.

The emphasis, however, is on healthier dishes, and the sliced cucumbers with walnuts, caviar and wasabi was delightfully refreshing and a stimulant at the same time. The same went for the simple garden salad.

The tasty pork cordon bleu (48 yuan/US$6.30) was not oily and came with a mild pepper sauce, although the addictive spiced beef served in a bubbling bowl of oil smacked of tenderizer. The steamed chicken dumplings came served hanging from a small tree, making you wonder what the point was. The meat was passable although the portions were just not enough.

Another flaming dish was served, this time seven kinds of fungi in a creamy sauce served in aluminum foil (98 yuan). It was a spectacle really, nearly eclipsing the mushrooms within.

The fried rice dish was somewhat odd. Intended to resurrect a dying recipe, it kind of halted the forward thinking nature of the meal preceding it.

It was great - a simple, rustic flavor - but jarring due to the lack of extravagance.

Dessert was truer to form, with pear slices coated in muesli. An excellent snack, the roughage aids digestion and exactly what was needed to end the meal.

IS is interesting to say the least. There is no denying the cool factor, which is what dining experiences should be about. The food is better than average, and the "show" is constantly updated to keep things fresh.

As it stands, the restaurant is a novel luxury, not intended to merely fill the stomach and satisfy the palate but more to introduce an avant-garde culture and immerse appreciative diners.

IS RestaurantLocation: 4/F, Building 7, 537 Haifang RoadTel: 021-52135399
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Tuesday, May 29, 2007

wonderful areas

wonderful areas

Going to the beach would be a good choice as it is comfortable to stand on the soft sand and enjoy the sea breeze.Citylife will help you locate some wonderful areas.

As the weather becomes hotter, people seek refuge from the heat to hang out near cool waters. Going to the beach would be a good choice as it is comfortable to stand on the soft sand and enjoy the sea breeze. But living in big cities, it is difficult to find beautiful sand beaches nearby. Now Citylife will help you locate some wonderful areas you can escape to.

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Pirates of the Caribbean

A poster of Pirates of the Caribbean 3
-----"Pirates 3" fails to set new opening box office mark

LOS ANGELES, May 27 (Xinhua) -- The latest film of Walt Disney's "Pirates of the Caribbean" franchise failed to set new opening box office record in North America this weekend, largely due to the lingering popularity of superhero Spider-Man and a computer-generated green ogre named Shrek among moviegoers.
But "Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End" still sold an estimated 126.5 million dollars worth of tickets in the United States and Canada during the three-day period, well on its way to setting a new domestic Memorial Day weekend box office record, distributer Walt Disney Pictures said Sunday.
The Disney film is the third blockbuster in three weeks in North American theaters to break major movie sales records, and industry observers note that the red hot summer season has only started. Several major pictures are slated for release in the next few weeks.
"At World's End" is also poised to have the biggest worldwide opening of all time, expected to gross an estimated 205.5 million dollars through Sunday, according to Disney. If including ticket sales for Monday, the company anticipates, the film would beat the industry record of 381.7 million dollars, currently held by "Spider-Man 3."
"We're thrilled to report that the film is on track to have the biggest worldwide opening in movie history," said Mark Zoradi, a Walt Disney Studios president. "From every corner of the world, the film is playing like gangbusters, and we think that this enthusiasm and good will is going to continue for a long time to come."
"Shrek the Third" came in second this weekend with an estimated51 million dollars for a cumulative two-week take of 215.7 million dollars, according to Los Angeles-based box office tracker Media by Numbers Sunday.
"Spider-Man 3" brought in 13.7 million dollars to take third over the weekend. The superhero action film has so far made a whopping 303.3 million dollars at the box office since its record-breaking debut three weeks ago.
The thriller "Bug," starring Ashley Judd as a lonely waitress who pairs up with a paranoid Gulf War veteran who sees bugs in a spooky motel room, came in fourth with 3.3 million dollars, while the comedy "Waitress" came in fifth with 3.1 million dollars.
The dozen top-grossing films earned a combined 193.3 million dollars over the weekend, up 2.6 percent from the same period last year.
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Monday, May 28, 2007

Aircraft carrier reinforces US troops in Iraq

Aircraft carrier reinforces US troops in Iraq

A F/A-18F Super Hornet from the Black Knights of Strike Fighter Squadron 154 lands on the flight deck of the aircraft carrier USS John C. Stennis (CVN 74) combat direction center in the central Gulf May 25, 2007. Stennis started flying missions in support of ground forces in Iraq and participated in the expeditionary strike forces exercise involving three strike groups. Photo taken May 25, 2007.

Flight deck operators watch a F/A-18C from the Argonauts of Strike Fighter Squadron 147 approach the flight deck of the aircraft carrier USS John C. Stennis (CVN 74) combat direction center in central Gulf May 26, 2007. Stennis started flying missions in support of ground forces in Iraq and participated in the expeditionary strike forces exercise involving three strike groups.

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编辑c:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc\hosts 文件,然后加入72.14.219.190(或72.14.219.191) ,其中xxx是你的用户名,即可访问到你自己的BlogSpot了。

# Copyright (c) 1993-1999 Microsoft Corp.
# This is a sample HOSTS file used by Microsoft TCP/IP for Windows.
# This file contains the mappings of IP addresses to host names. Each
# entry should be kept on an individual line. The IP address should
# be placed in the first column followed by the corresponding host name.
# The IP address and the host name should be separated by at least one
# space.
# Additionally, comments (such as these) may be inserted on individual
# lines or following the machine name denoted by a '#' symbol.
# For example:
# # source server
# # x client host localhost

* 另存为 proxy.pac 到 C 盘根目录下,打开 Firefox,依次点击工具->选项-> 高级->网络->设置...->选中自动代理配置URL,添加:file:///C:/proxy.pac ,点击重新载入,OK!
function FindProxyForURL(url,host){if(dnsDomainIs(host, "")){return "PROXY";}}
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Saturday, May 26, 2007

Car model craze in China

Car model craze in China

At auto shows in China, it's not the sky-high priced luxury cars that attract the visitors, but the models standing by the vehicles.
Models pose around a car at the Auto Qingdao 2007 exhibition in Qingdao, east China's Shandong Province, May 18, 2007.
On the opening day of the Auto Qingdao 2007, visitors flocked around car models, and photographers took numerous pictures of them as they change to various poses in front of the cars. These beautiful showgirls, usually in short and sexy outfits, have quickly become an indispensable part of Chinese car exhibitions for years.
Men are attracted to beautiful women, but what surprises many is how crazy the auto show visitors could be for models. Unless the car is a 10-million-yuan Bentley or Maserati, there won't be big audience around the booth without gorgeous models.
It's rather an exhibition of beauties than cars. "I'm here to see beautiful girls. It would be dull and unattractive if they didn't have models," said a visitor at the Qingdao auto show.

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Friday, May 25, 2007

《Proud Of You》

《Proud Of You》
Love in your eyes 带着眼眸中的爱
Sitting silent by my side 默默坐在我身边
Going on Holding hand 渐渐拉着我的手
Walking through the nights 伴我穿过这黑夜
*Hold me up Hold me tight 抱起我 抱紧我
Lift me up to touch the sky 高举我去触碰蓝天
Teaching me to love with heart 教给我用心去爱
Helping me open my mind 帮助我打开心扉
I can fly 我会飞翔
I’m proud that I can fly 我为那飞翔而骄傲
To give the best of mine 我要展现我的最美
Till the end of the time 直到时间的尽头
Believe me I can fly 相信我能飞翔
I’m proud that I can fly 我为那飞翔而骄傲
To give the best of mine 我要展现我的全部
The heaven in the sky* 那是天堂in the sky
Stars in the sky 那天空中的星辰
Wishing once upon a time 希望能像从前一样
Give me love Make me smile 让我欢笑 给予我爱
Till the end of life 直到生命消逝 Repeat
* Can’t you believe that you light up my way 你可知道你照亮了我的道路
No matter how that ease my path 所以无论脚下的路有多么轻松
I’ll never lose my faith 我都不会丢掉信念
See me fly 来看着我飞翔
I’m proud to fly up high 飞翔让我如此自豪
Show you the best of mine 我要展现我的最美
Till the end of the time 直到时间的尽头
Believe me I can fly 相信我能飞翔
I’m singing in the sky 我要在空中歌唱
Show you the best of mine 献给你我的最美
The heaven in the sky 那是天堂in the sky
Nothing can stop me 什么也不能阻止我
Spread my wings so wide 展开我的翅膀so wide

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Thursday, May 24, 2007

Endangered Egyptian tortoises

Endangered Egyptian tortoises

A worker from Rome's Biopark zoo holds a Testudo Kleinmanni hatchling, an endangered species also known as an Egyptian tortoise, in Rome May 22, 2007. The offspring is the hatchling of several Egyptian tortoises that were rescued from a smuggler's suitcase in 2005 at Naples airport, southern Italy, by Italy's forestry police and were entrusted to Rome's main zoo.

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Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Blog-Related Analysis

Blog-Related Analysis

Whether or not you have a blog, the related analysis is important to track how your business and brand are being discussed to better understand your consumers' perspective:

  • Monitor the Web for references to your brand, key officers, and major competitors:
    Set up tracking on Google News Alerts, Technorati, and PubSub. You must be able to react to relevant topics brewing in the blogosphere before they become full-blown issues. Involve PR in this process, and respond quickly and decisively to engage bloggers.
  • Analyze comments, links, and trackbacks (define) to determine the relative importance of audience perceptions. Use tools such as Intelliseek's BlogPulse or a firm such as BuzzMetrics. This analysis will help determine who the influencers are and what their connectivity level is.
    Analyze broader category or product information. Consumers may discuss products in general terms, without using brand names or model numbers. So narrow tracking may not reveal the full picture. Monitor the information landscape to determine the macro trends and issues that influence buyers and the language they use. A food producer may check for terms such as "diet" and "low carb," for example. According to Julie Woods, Cymfony EVP, "Ongoing trend analysis examines the conversations to find relevant information that can be used to guide marketing strategy." It can reveal pain points, consumer language around your product, market changes, and competitive actions. In turn, these findings can direct your marketing and creative approach. They may also reveal other terms you should be tracking.
  • Blogs create more opportunities, and more challenges. As with any communications strategy, consider what you hope to achieve from consumer engagement. Don't ignore blogs until something blows up! Use them as another way to listen to and involve customers. People talk about you in the blogosphere; use the opportunity to influence the conversation.

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Choosing The Right Keywords

Choosing The Right Keywords

Right keywords is making your blogger get the good position in search engine.
Arguably, keyword selection is the single most important stage in the entire optimization process. If you do not choose the correct keyword phrases you will not maximize your ROI on this campaign. I mention ROI and use it as a reminder that keyword selection is not necessarily about looking for the most searched phrases. A profitable optimization is one which produces the greatest return on investmënt for the time and monëy that are available to put towards it.
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A juicy variety

A juicy variety

(Beijing weekend)
A juicy variety of Australian steaks in a contemporary and minimalist setting. Come with a Oz-sized appetite as the well hung rib eyes could feed a family of four and the cheesecake comes in a slab as big as your head (well nearly).
They only have a few tables so be sure to book. The 30cm high cheesecake is also to-die-for. Perfect for well hung and extra-large slabs of steak.

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Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Merchants bank approved to buy control of fund venture

Merchants bank approved to buy control of fund venture

China Merchants Bank Co., the nation's seventh-largest, won government approval to buy 33.4 percent of an affiliated fund management venture, allowing it to expand its sources of income beyond lending.

Merchants Bank will become the largest shareholder in China Merchants Fund Management Co., the Shenzhen-based company said in a statement today. China Merchants Securities Co. and ING Groep NV's asset management arm each own 33.3 percent of the venture.
China is letting domestic banks expand into broking, fund management and insurance, winding back former premier Zhu Rongji's 1993 restrictions to help them boost profits. Foreign rivals Citigroup Inc. and HSBC Holdings Plc. have started to compete for China's $2.2 trillion of local-currency deposits.
Chinese banks get more than 90 percent of earnings from interest income -- the difference between what they pay depositors and what they charge on loans. That compares with 65 percent overseas, according to China Chengxin International Credit Ratings Co., a domestic credit rating company.
Domestic lenders were allowed in February 2005 to set up fund ventures with foreign investors to develop the nation's capital markets. Industrial & Commercial Bank of China Ltd., China Construction Bank Corp., and Bank of Communications Ltd. have started such ventures.
China's fund industry almost doubled in size last year as soaring prices drew more investors, reaching 856 billion yuan ($111 billion) of assets under management, according to Shanghai- based research firm Z-Ben Advisors Ltd. The benchmark CSI 300 Index has quadrupled from its July 2005 low.
Shenzhen-based Merchants Fund Management was set up in December 2002 with 20 billion yuan ($2.6 billion) in assets. Merchants Bank bought the stake from China Power Finance Co., China Huaneng Finance Co., Cosco Finance Co. and Merchants Securities, it said today, without giving details on pricing.
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Monday, May 21, 2007

Falafel Wraps

Falafel Wraps Falafel Wraps
200g packet falafel mix
3/4 cup water
1 orange, peeled, finely chopped
225g can sliced beetroot,
drained, finely chopped
1 tblsp chopped fresh mint
1/2 cup hummus
1 tsp finely grated orange rind
1 tblsp orange juice
Olive oil spray
6 pieces mountain bread
1 and a 1/2 cups shredded iceberg lettuce, to serve
1. Combine falafel mix and water in a large bowl. Stand for 20 minutes, or until set.
2. Combine chopped orange, beetroot and mint in a medium bowl. In a separate bowl, combine hummus, orange rind and orange juice, until smooth.
3. Using wet hands, shape heaped tblsps of falafel mixture into oval patties. You will need 12 patties. Place patties on a lightly oiled oven tray. Lightly spray with cooking oil.
4. Cook in a very hot oven (240C) for 5 minutes. Turn over and cook for 5 minutes, or until golden.
5. Spread 1 tblsp of hummus mixture onto each piece of mountain bread. Top with lettuce, beetroot mixture and falafels. Roll up mountain breads, folding in sides, to enclose filling.

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